We generally run CT Guard Card courses almost every Wednesday & Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Weekday evening courses are available upon request.

Our classes are offered at: 58 Renshaw Drive East Haven, CT 06512.

I offer on site training for Security companies in need of a large number of applicant
certifications at once.  Group & DOC discounts are available. Inquire by email or phone

Group discounts are available.
Complimentary Snacks and Drinks Offered
You can simply register & pay online or call 203-907-6594 with any questions.


Active Shooter Training: How to Survive an Active Shooter Event (for everyone) 3rd Friday 2-4pm



Our Active Shooter: Rapid Response class teaches active shooter (mass shooting spree) how to survive an active shooter event through rapid response and containment, and is intended for civilians, schools, businesses, law enforcement and first responder professionals. Honestly, for anyone who wants to know what to do to increase your chances of surviving an active shooter event.

Recent active shooting events both inside and outside the US demonstrate the need to prepare local, regional, state, federal & military resources to plan for and respond to these events. Planning & preparedness is critical to the successful outcome of an active shooter incident.

This class is designed to improve official response to active shooter incidents by instructing students in:

  • What to do if God forbid you ever find yourself in an active shooter event to increase your chances of survival
  • Tactics/strategy for response to active shooter event
  • Facility preparedness
  • Incident command
  • Response equipment
  • Approach/entry/search options

This class also teaches us How to Survive an Active Shooter Event (mass shooting spree) response and survival tactics, and is intended for anyone who wishes to increase your chances of surviving an active shooter event such as civilians, schools, businesses, (non-LEO or first responder) audiences, including school staff.

Recent school shootings and other active shooting events both inside and outside the US demonstrate the need to prepare civilians – particularly school employees – to plan for and respond to these events. Planning & preparedness is critical to the successful outcome of an active shooter incident.

This class is designed to improve civilian response to active shooter incidents, and will:

  • Discuss the history of school violence
  • Discuss the importance of preparation for an active shooter event ,not only by first responders, but also by school personnel
  • Teach about what you might expect from law enforcement during an active shooter response, and also about ideas and methods of response for school personnel
  • Discuss the importance of educators, law enforcement , other first responders and those personnel involved in the secondary response to collaborate in preparation and prevention
  • Discuss the importance of stopping school violence/ active shooter events before they start.

The cost is $100 per student

Location: 58 Renshaw Dr East Haven, Ct 06512.

  • Related imageImage result for Active shooter rapid response and event survival

Price: $100.00

Start Time: 2:00 pm
End Time: 4:00 pm

Date: February 20, 2026

LJB Security Training (Louis Bonito)
58 Renshaw Drive
East Haven, CT
United States
Map and Directions

Registration Details

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