We generally run CT Guard Card courses almost every Wednesday & Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Weekday evening courses are available upon request.

Our classes are offered at: 58 Renshaw Drive East Haven, CT 06512.

I offer on site training for Security companies in need of a large number of applicant
certifications at once.  Group & DOC discounts are available. Inquire by email or phone

Group discounts are available.
Complimentary Snacks and Drinks Offered
You can simply register & pay online or call 203-907-6594 with any questions.


**Connecticut Pistol Permit Carry Certification Course CT. / Multi-State Pistol Permit Certification ***Hurry Before The Law Changes!!!*** Third Saturday



Completion of this one-day course of instruction meets or exceeds the training and safety course requirements of the State of Connecticut for all pistol permit applicants.


This class teaches safe handling of handguns and other firearms and includes live fire with both revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Grey Wolf Consulting instructors are all certified through the NRA or other certifying agencies with extensive firearms training and real life experience.


The Core Topics Of Instruction Within This Program Include:

  • Basic Pistol (Semi-automatic & Revolver and Other Firearms)
  • Nomenclature, Safety and Handling
  • Basic Ammunition Nomenclature, Handling and Safety
  • Proper and Safe Firearm and Ammunition Storage
  • Basic Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting and Positions
  • Common Range Rules and Commands
  • Recognizing and Addressing Common Pistol Stoppages
  • Care and Maintenance of Semi-Automatic Pistols and Revolvers
  • More.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificate or letter of completion, which may be used to apply for a pistol permit within the State of  Connecticut, Florida, and several other States.

State of Connecticut Specific Applicant Information:

Under State of Connecticut Law, applicants for a permit to carry a handgun (Pistol Permit) are required to perform the following steps:

1. Complete an approved firearms safety class (Also known as a Pistol Permit class).

2. Obtain a pistol permit application packet from their local authorities (Typically the Police Dept.).

3. Complete the pistol permit application and assemble the required documentation (Typically a copy of identification, birth certificate, letters of reference, letter or certificate of completion from a firearms instructor) and fingerprints.

4. Submit the required documents and application to the local issuing authority.

5. Submit to a thorough background check is completed. (Under current law, the local authority has 8 weeks to approve or deny the application. If no response is heard after 8 weeks inquire as to the status)

6. If approved, the applicant will receive what is referred to as a “TEMPORARY STATE PISTOL PERMIT”. This temporary pistol permit will NOT allow the purchase of a firearm and more importantly, it maintains a expiration period of 60 days. Therefore it is critical that once this Temporary State Pistol Permit is obtained that the applicant immediately apply to the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection in Middletown, CT. to obtain their full State Pistol Permit within this 60 day period to avoid the need to start the entire process over again from the beginning.

7. If for some reason the application is denied, the applicant may appeal such denial to the State of Connecticut Board of Permit Examiners for reconsideration. (Note: By regulation, the applicant has a maximum of 90 days from the date of denial to appeal the decision, afterwards appeal through this board will not be possible.)

We provide the Pistol Course. This DESPP (Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection) which is basically the CT State Police, issued Pistol Permit, is for anyone over the age of 21 and allows for the carry and purchase of handguns, long guns, and ammunition.

The main objective of the Basic Pistol Class is for the student to learn the basic skills, knowledge and attitude to safely handle pistols and revolvers.

Instructors Louis Bonito & Brian S Williams

Class and shooting all done at same day. Shooting will be done at location close to class.

Class Cost $149

The Basic Pistol Class includes classroom training on gun parts and operation, ammunition safety, cleaning, storage, loading and unloading, shooting fundamentals, range safety and pistol sports and activities. Students are then required to demonstrate safe gun handling while completing a live fire exercise on the shooting range.

In addition, we will thoroughly go over the Connecticut permit process so that you can successfully apply for and receive your permit(s).

Residents of Connecticut who wish to purchase, possess and transport pistols and revolvers outside their homes within the State of Connecticut or who wish to carry a handgun on their person for personal protection in the event of a self defense situation must first obtain a CT Permit to Carry Pistol and Revolvers. With this permit you will also be able to purchase rifles, shotguns and ammunition without needing to get another certificate or permit. (Recently passed PA 13-3 requires that after April 1, 2014 any purchaser of a rifle or shotgun hold a Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers, a Handgun Eligibility Certificate or the newly created “Long Gun Eligibility Certificate” Ammunition certificates will be required to purchase ammunition or magazines after October 1st of 2013).

One of the things you must do prior to submitting your application for a CT Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers or a CT Handgun Eligibility Certificate is to successfully complete a course in handgun safety that has been approved by the Connecticut Department of Public Safety.

This Class meets this requirement in Connecticut, successful completion of this course also meets the training requirement to apply for Non-Resident Carry Permits in Florida, Maine and several other states.

ctpistolpermit  classshtguns

Pistol Permit:

Connecticut issues a State Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers which allows you to carry a handgun upon your person.

  • Issuing Authority: Connecticut State Police. Apply for your temposrary state permit at your local police department within the town you reside in Connecticut.  Once you receive your temporary permit from the town you must apply for your permanent Connecticut pistol permit from the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) in Middletown, CT. If you are a non-resident you must apply directly to the DESPP.
  • NICS check: Yes
  • Permit Valid For: A statewide permit to carry is valid (unless revoked for cause) for five years.
  • Processing Time: The issuing authority has eight weeks to inform the applicant whether his or her application has been approved or denied. An eligibility certificate or permit to carry revocation or refusal to issue or renew may be appealed within 90 days to the Board of Firearm Permit Examiners, State Armory, 505 Hudson Street, 5th Floor, Hartford, CT 06106. No fee is charged for this review. A revocation or refusal to issue will be overturned by the Board if “just and proper cause” is found. Either the applicant or the issuing authority may appeal any decision of the Board to the courts
  • Cost: The application fee is $70.00 plus sufficient funds as required to cover the cost of a National Criminal History Records Check.
  • The renewal fee for a carry permit shall be $70.00.

1. Is twenty-one years of age;
2. Is a legal resident of the United States;
3. Has a residence or business in the jurisdiction in which they are applying;
4. Intends to use the handgun for only lawful purposes;

5. Has successfully completed an approved handgun safety course;
6. Has not been convicted of a felony or a violation of;
a. Criminal possession of a narcotic substance;
b. Criminally negligent homicide;
c. Assault in the third degree;
d. Reckless endangerment in the first degree;
e. Unlawful restraint in the second degree;
f. Riot in the first degree;
g. Stalking in the second degree;
7. Has not been convicted as a delinquent for the commission of a serious juvenile offense;
8. Has not been discharged from custody within the preceding twenty years after having been found not guilty of a crime by reason of mental disease or defect;
9. Is not subject to a restraining or protective order issued by a court in a case involving the use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force against another person;
10. Is not subject to a firearms seizure order issued for posing a risk of personal injury to self or others after a hearing; or
11. Is not prohibited from possessing a firearm for having been adjudicated as a mentally incompetent under federal law.

Required Documents:
1. Completed application – Call 860-685-8494 to have an application mailed out.
2. Two fingerprint cards
3. Two copies of your birth certificate or passport
4. Firearms training certificate if you are a resident of Connecticut
Renewal Information:

Change of Address:

Must inform the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) in Middletown, CT. within 72 hours.

Automobile carry:
Individuals not licensed to carry handguns in Connecticut may not possess firearms in their vehicles

Places off-limits when carrying:
1. A permit to carry is required to carry a handgun outside one’s home (even though one may still be on his own property) or in any place of business in which one is merely an employee, not an owner or operator. A permit is also required to transport a handgun back and forth between one’s home and place of business, or to and from a range for target shooting.

States that Honor the Connecticut Pistol Permit

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin

Price: $149.00

Start Time: 8:00 am
End Time: 4:00 pm

Date: February 15, 2025

LJB Security Training (Louis Bonito)
58 Renshaw Drive
East Haven, CT
United States
Map and Directions

Registration Details

Personal Information